• Oct 4, 2023 from 7:30am to 1:45pm
  • Location: LCCC Spitzer Center
  • Latest Activity: Oct 2, 2023

Annual OSHA and Radiographers Renewal courts hosted at the LCCC Spitzer center.

The deadline to sign up for OSHA/X-ray renewal courses will be Sept 26th.  If you have not yet mailed in your sign up sheet please take a picture of it and send it by text message to Dr. Bethany Small at 216-288-7407 or call her with your headcount before you mail it with your check or bring it to OSHA/ X-ray renewal course on Wednesday October 4th.


Sign in will start at 7:30am at your table and the speaker will start promptly at 7:45am and a coffee and tea station will be available. 7:45 am to 10:45am OSHA with X-ray renewal course 11:45 am to 1:145 pm  held at LCCC John A Spitzer conference Center at 1005 Abbe Rd Elyria, Ohio 44035.


CLICK HERE to go to the CE page for more information and a download link for the application

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